Daily Archives: June 3, 2024

Monday Memories: Birthday

Someone at our house is having a birthday this week tomorrow, and since Motor Man’s birthday is January 1, I suppose that means it’s me.  Yes, it’s me: I’m the one with a birthday.

So I thought it fitting that my memories today be related to my first birthday gathering.  With a summer birthday, it’s only logical that a toddler’s birthday party be held outside, weather permitting.

Goodness, but I don’t look too happy to be celebrating. (Remember my previous posts where I said that family members always told me what a grumpy baby I was?)

I’ve shared on the blog before that I have a birthday twin.  My friend, Marilyn, and I were born about 30 minutes apart: same hospital, our moms (who already knew each other) were in the same room, and Marilyn and I went through all twelve years of school together, and graduated on our 18th birthday.

Marilyn and I have another similarity: we both had older siblings. This photo is of  Marilyn’s family.  Apparently the dairy barn across the highway was the backdrop of choice for photos that day.  Marilyn doesn’t really look any happier than I was to be having a birthday.

Of course, I have no memories of that particular birthday party, but that dairy barn, which is still standing and owned and operated my friends of ours, was a fixture of my childhood.

And of course, Marilyn and I share many memories….but this particular birthday isn’t one of them.

Happy Birthday, Marilyn, my birthday twin!

~These Days Of Mine~