Windowpane Wednesday: Bluebirds

You may recall that I’ve often shared photos and videos of bluebirds here on the blog. So if you aren’t a big fan of those beautiful birds, there’s nothing to see here today.

I was excited recently to see two immature bluebirds at the feeder.  It’s easy not to recognize them as ‘baby bluies’ if you only see them from the front.  They look to be just a little speckled bird.

But when you see them from the back, and you catch a glimpse of the blue on the tail feathers, you KNOW:

I was hoping to catch Papa Bluebird feeding the babies, and sure enough, I didn’t have to wait long. (Video has no sound.)

We always enjoy catching sight of the bluebirds from our bedroom windows.

~These Days Of Mine~


4 responses to “Windowpane Wednesday: Bluebirds

  1. I love beautiful bluebirds… neighbor remarked yesterday how she’s noticed we have a LOT more of them this year than in previous years – she’s right – and we love every single sighting!


  2. Very nice …. they really do have a blue all their own, don’t they ?

  3. Beautiful bird!

  4. I agree – BEAUTIFUL! And isn’t it curious that one realizes that it just has to feed itself? They provide the best entertainment.

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