Wildlife Wednesday: Ducklings

Some cute little fuzz-balls on the blog today.

On Saturday, I was surprised when a Mommy Duck showed up with seven babies. Be sure your volume is up, so you can hear all the sweet chortling.

Sunday, when Mommy showed up, there were six ducklings. I use a flowerpot saucer to feed Mom and babies corn, and a separate one to give them water.

And Monday, there were four. It’s amazing how much more active the babies have become in just a few days.

I love that Mommy duck is so comfortable that she brings the babies right up to me. Yesterday, I sat nearby on the ground and watched the babies cooling off in the ‘pool’. (Some of the quacking in this video is from the several ducks who were just out of camera view, lobbying for corn of their own.)

And each time they leave, I remind Mom to try to keep them safe.

~These Days Of Mine~





5 responses to “Wildlife Wednesday: Ducklings

  1. Sweet…..I’m sure Mama Duck does her best to keep her shrinking brood safe but as they say “it’s a jungle out there” and danger lurks around every corner. I do hope she can keep the remaining four “under her wing” !


  2. All you can do is feed, water, and hang out with them for as long as they keep coming ……

  3. So sweet I know you enjoy seeing them.

  4. Love your views of the ducklings. I sure hope the last 4 survive.

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