Poetic Thursday: Happy It’s June

After skipping last week, I’m back and ready for today’s poetry. Last week, Pam, and her kitties, Teddy and Angel Sammy, at Two Spoiled Cats, gave us this photo for today’s inspiration:

And here’s my poem, short and sweet:

Happy It’s June

No frenzied shopping, no Christmas tunes;
I’m just barefoot and so happy it’s June.

~These Days Of Mine~

5 responses to “Poetic Thursday: Happy It’s June

  1. perfect way to be

  2. I remember the days when I’d be in that crowd trying to shop for the holiday but now I do a lot of my shopping with my fingers on the keys of my computer!


  3. very nice !! – just six months and we’ll already be 48 hours into the next shopping season !!

  4. Perfect! I’m glad it’s June too. It will be gone soon! Your poem is proof that a lot can be packed into just a few lines.

  5. Lovely – June is a nice month.

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