Tag Archives: mama kats writers workshop

My Spring Must-Haves

One of the prompts for Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop this week is:

1. Write a list of your top Spring must-haves.

And, as usual, my must-haves for spring all involve plants.  I’ll limit the list here to five:

1.) Mexican petunia, sweet potato vine and “whatever-that-little-vine-is-with-the-tiny-yellow-flowers”.

mexican petunia

2.) My beloved Black-eyed Susan vine:

real black eyed susan

3.) Purslane.

hanging purslane 8-9-2014 12-41-03 PM


…which, by the way, I like so much, I’ll probably have it in more than one place in the yard.

purslane in coffeepot and mini birdbath 8-9-2014 12-47-22 PM

4.) This gorgeous plant with tiny red flowers. (Sorry, I can’t recall the name.)

red flower vine 2 8-9-2014 12-48-18 PM

5.) And, finally, I’m going to, once again, try to grow nasturtiums.  My mom planted them in window boxes, and I remember how pretty they were. My only attempt was in 2013, and shortly after I took this photo, this one died.  But a friend has offered to give me pointers, so I’m trying again, hopefully with more success this time.



So,  if you’ll excuse me, I’m commandeering Motor Man’s pick-up this morning and I’m off to the nursery.

Mama’s Losin’ It

 ~These Days Of Mine~