Tag Archives: nikon camera

The Not-For-Christmas Gift

Several years ago, Motor Man decided that we needed a nice camera, so we bought our first Nikon. After a few years (and many, many photos), we saw the dreaded “shutter error” message.  Rather than sending it off for repairs, we bought another camera.

A few weeks ago, we thought about that camera sitting unused in the closet, and decided to have it repaired and give it to Marshall. Since it wasn’t NEW, we didn’t want it to actually be a Christmas gift. So we gave it to him last week.

I’ve shared some of Marshall’s photos here in the past. Here are a couple of new ones, but bear in mind that these were  taken BEFORE he was given the Nikon.  He has a small digital camera, but I really think these were taken with his cell phone.


Marshall’s kitty, “Snugg”, pretending to be in the jungle

Snuggles (a.k.a. Snugg) is one of Marshall’s favorite subjects to photograph. Snugg likes to pose for Marshall.

snugg on hall rack

Although we haven’t had a lot of winter weather yet, Marshall took this one morning last week (from inside his car) of the frost on the windshield.

frost 12-18-2013

I’m anxious to see what photos Marshall captures with his not-new camera.

~These Days Of Mine~