Poetic Thursday: No Escape

Welcome to Poetic Thursday, hosted by my friend, Pam and her two boys at “Two Spoiled Cats“.

Today, I’m making light of a serious situation.  I feel that it always helps to find a little humor whenever possible.

Here’s the photo for this week’s inspiration:

And this is my poem:

No Escape

 Let’s escape.
Let’s steal away.
Let’s not think about germs for a day.

A tropical isle,
warm, gentle breezes,
no coughs, no sniffles and certainly no sneezes.

Wait: we can’t go.
No travel’s allowed.
And we definitely must avoid any large crowd.

Let’s stay home.
We’ll relax there; it’s safer.
And we can stare at this mountain of toilet paper.

(No, we haven’t hoarded TP.  We shop at Costco, so we already had a pretty good supply.)

How are you managing with your social distancing? Motor Man works alone building race engines at our shop anyway, so we still have that normalcy in our lives. Our racing season was scheduled to begin March 28, but that has been postponed.

We usually eat out two or three times each week, but our restaurants are now take-out or drive-through only, so our meals have been at home.  And that’s okay.

For the time being, we aren’t able to go see “my” wild horses. Dare County, NC has restricted entry to only residents, property owners, service workers, etc. Dare County is adjacent to Currituck County, where Carova (and the horses) are, and we must travel through Dare going to Carova.

We’re hoping the time will pass quickly, and things will be back to normal soon.

So there you have it.  Stay well everyone. And wash your hands.

~These Days Of Mine~


6 responses to “Poetic Thursday: No Escape

  1. So funny your poem is titled “No Escape” and mine is “Escape”….LOL….great poem though and yes it’s good to try and keep life on as light a side as possible these days. It’s a serious situation but we can still smile!

    Hugs, Pam

  2. Thanks for the ‘Escape’!!! We do need levity while we take seriously the concerns right now. Staying busy with online learning for my Library patrons at school – trying to be creative! Also a chance to get caught up on some projects at home. Wash your hands and stay safe while SMILING!!!!

  3. Excellent poem!!! No escape here either!!

    The Florida Furkids

  4. Joyce M. Westphal

    Loved this. Humor is needed at this time.
    Thanks. Joyce

  5. Always helps to make light .. who ever thought a deserted island could be desirable ??

  6. Any escape is welcome, so your poem surely did provide that!

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