Daily Archives: December 18, 2012

Sundae Says…I’m Famous!

Happy Tuesday, everyone. Sundae here. Barn Charm will be pre-empted this week on These Days. Because….I have an impawtant announcement!

My new blogging friend, Rumpy, has been acting as Santa’s helper recently by posting letters written to St. Nick from some of us kitties and dogs.

And today…..he’s featuring my letter!  So check out Rumpy’s post today by clicking here and see what I asked Santa to bring, providing of course, that I’ve been a good enough kitty to deserve some presents…

In the meantime, here’s a photo Motor Man took of me, “hanging” over the footboard of their bed.

sundae footboard

Now just look at that face…how could Santa Paws possibly resist?

(Thanks for your help, Rumpy!)