Will Entertain For Food

Although I’ve kept bird baths in our yard for years, I’ve never really gotten into the habit of feeding the birds. But, recently, I decided to change that.

So I’ve been keeping trying to keep this bird feeder filled. And, as anyone who feeds the birds knows, you also feed the squirrels.



Last week, this one kept me entertained for quite awhile.


Hopefully the nutrients in that seed will help fill out that scrawny little tail of his.


After his meal, he had a quick drink.

squirrel in bird bath

And then “got the heck outta Dodge”….

squirrel running

But he won’t be gone long; it’s impossible to resist those all-you-can-eat buffets. Especially when they’re free.

21 responses to “Will Entertain For Food

  1. I hate to admit it but I just love squirrels – even when they raid my bird feeders (which they most certainly do along with the deer!)…..they’re such characters and they do eventually get full and move on so the BIRDS can enjoy some too!


  2. Wait till they start knocking, er scratching at the door!

  3. I also loved to watch the squirrels at the bird-feeder when I lived in the townhouse. I put a shepherd’s crook in the middle of the back yard thinking the 5 ft space from the fence would hinder them. They jumped that very easily and they’d climb!! up the shepherd’s crook. Nothing discourages a squirrel so I finally just decided I’d feed the squirrels and the birds!

  4. I have 2 bird feeders that usually have squirrels hanging off them — they sit on the fence, dangle their tail at Frankie and terrorize the liver out of him! The good news? Squirrels are messy and spill a lot of seed on the ground .. the birds will be happy with that, too 🙂


  5. Awww he’s so cute! We don’t really see too many squirrels around here. He looks like great fun to watch!

  6. Great photo of that squirrel running off.
    My mother just got a bird feeder from my brother and wife. In addition to attracting birds, the squirrels too, have kept her entertained.

  7. I have a bird feeder too, but so far, squirrels have stayed away. We’ve enjoyed seeing all the different kinds of fine-feathered friends show up and have to keep busy filling the feeder. I also have to laugh when the birds squawk very loudly at our cat if she’s outside.

  8. Hilarious! We stopped feeding the birds in our yard because it attracted too many deer, then once the deer were in the yard, they ate all of my flowers! Grrrr. I miss feeding the birds though, as I loved watching them!

  9. To cute!

  10. and he’ll bring tons of friends! so cute, though.

  11. We don’t have a bird feeder as Kozmo thinks they are an all you can eat bird buffet!
    I love watching the squirrels and their antics!

  12. These are great … I have loads of squirrels at home, and they’re interesting critters …
    They make a sound that almost sounds like a bird call; it took me awhile to figure that one out.. They’ll lay flat out on their chest on the deck railing to nap..
    They chase each other around the yard, and do spiral tracks from the roots of the trees to the top of the trunk & back down,
    And.. they will turn on the cats & give chase .. Now that’s entertainment 😉

  13. mollieandalfie

    They are little so n so’s those squirrels, they have learn’t the art of pinching our bird feeders and running off with them ..LOL xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  14. Shirley Matthews Dunn

    Chuck and I have back yard pets too. We have birds, rabbits, & squirrels. We take lots of pictures, I’ll start posting some. They are so fun and interesting to watch.

  15. This looks like a young one, Dianna. He needs to be fattened up! 🙂 Enjoy!

  16. Your little visitor will undoubtedly be back for more! You have a friend for life. Our local bear(s) manage to tear down my friend’s bird feeders, so she has to bring them all in at night. Squirrels are more fun than bears. 🙂

  17. I mean, she has to bring in the feeders – not the bears! 🙂

  18. Mechanics Wife

    Hi Dianna. Love the squirrel! My mom used to take care of squirrels! They’re so cute!

  19. Squirrels antics are so much fun!

  20. My husband gets a lot of kicks out of watching the squirrels at our feeders. Having the time to stake them out with a camera hasn’t been my luck yet. Maybe…someday…

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