These Days R5F

It’s the first Friday of fall. Let’s talk randomness:

1.) Today, I’m wishing a Happy, Happy Birthday to my dear blogging friend, Pam, who co-writes the blog, One Spoiled Cat, with her kitty, Sam.  I’m not sure how Pam and I discovered each other’s blogs, but it’s been a few years now, and we’ve become close friends. We keep in touch with frequent emails and, along with our hubbies, meet occasionally for lunch and antiquing.

pam and dianna 12-11-2013 12-22-42 AM

2.) Our fall is beginning with blustery winds, high tides and occasional rain from a persistent storm system just off the coast.  But, we’ll take that any day over a hurricane. This was just taken after sunset Wednesday evening.

clouds 9-23-2015 7-04-22 PM

3.) Motor Man has teased me for years about how short my legs are.  (I keep reminding him that they do, in fact, reach the ground.) Gypsy thinks they’re just the right length.

That is a lap full o' cat.

That is a lap full o’ cat.

4.) Yesterday, we took a little day trip (details in an upcoming post).  Along the way, we happened upon this beauty, and gave the driver a smile and a thumbs-up as we passed.

old chevy truck 9-24-2015 11-32-15 AM

 5.) We’ve had several foggy mornings in the past couple of weeks. I knew there was an old saying about how many foggy days there are in a certain month ‘determining’  how many snows there will be the following winter.  So I checked The Old Farmers Almanac, which says that month is August.  I don’t recall if or how many foggy mornings we had in August, so I guess we’ll just wait and see what the winter brings.

marina at sunrise 9-19-2015 7-26-33 AM

Happy first weekend of fall!

~These Days Of Mine~

11 responses to “These Days R5F

  1. Hey, I had never heard the fog correlation to fog days and snow days – interesting. We will have to remember next year. I/ we love a foggy morning. I love that you have met so many of your blogger friends, I know it makes a close connection so much nicer. I too loved that sweet red truck! Good weekend my friend.

  2. Yes…the wind and rain and even some flooding is nothing compared to a hurricane! We dodged that this year!!

  3. Happy Birthdays, ‘legs & kitty’ watery pics, & red truck -LOVE the randomness and Friday!

  4. A nice post to welcome Fall ….
    I’ve never heard that about the fog, either, – time to do research !
    Does that one pic mean Gypsy is a ‘legcat’ ? ; )
    I think the second pic is my favorite this time around….
    And… Happy Birthday to Pam !

  5. Happy Birthday, Pam! I love the last photo. The water is like glass. And the sign on the truck…wonderful!

  6. Shirley Matthews Dunn

    Another great R5F! Gypsy thinks your legs are just right. lol

  7. I love your random 5s! Especially this week!
    Nellie’s Mommy

  8. Great randomness – and thanks for the birthday “shout out” ! I had a great one……..I just LOVE that red truck…….AND that photo of you and me!


  9. Happy belated birthday to Pam! If Gypsy gets any bigger, you might need longer legs. 😉 Nice Chevy! Great message on it, too. Both atmospheric photos are great, but I prefer the last–is that sunlight? It’s been gone too long! Interesting about the fog and winter correlation. It would be interesting to know if that’s true.

  10. I’m intrigued by the “old wives” saying about the number of foggy days predicting the number of days of snow the following winter. Keeping track of this would make a great project for a child who is interested in science.

  11. Always heard that about the number of mornings with fog in August. I can remember keeping count of the fog days and hoping for those snow days in January or February. Fun!

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